Blackwood Homes Rent Consultation

Blackwood owns and operates more than 1700 properties across 29 Local Authority areas in Scotland.
Each year we review the rent we charge for our properties, and we consult with customers on their views . We understand that customers are facing cost-of-living pressures and that managing your money and paying your bills, including your rent, alongside other living expenses is challenging.
We also understand that now more than ever customers want warm, safe and secure homes that are well maintained , invested in, and offer a sense of neighbourhood and community .
In 2024 we launched ‘Getting it Right’ which is our commitment to improve our performance and the services we deliver to customers despite the current economic climate.
Listening To You
Your views are important and throughout October and November you had the opportunity to take part in our tenant survey to tell us about the things that are important to you. Over 600 respondents highlighted the services that are most important to them.
Your feedback prioritised 4 main areas –
Providing good customer service when you contact us
The repairs service we provide
Maintenance of estates and communal areas
Major modernisation and improvement works to your home
What Your Rent is Spent On
We want to keep rent as affordable as possible, so it represents good value for money, and provide good services . We also need to balance the operating costs for the organisation and affordability for tenants to make sure we can continue to invest in improvements and provide homes and independent living services to more people
Operating Context
the impact of cost-of-living increases to affect the housing sector. Most recently UK Government policy to increase employer national insurance contributions for staff means that we have increasing costs with no additional support confirmed by government.
In addition, costs associated with delivering ou services have continued to rise affecting our ability to invest in as many of our homes as we would like.
Increased Cost Examples —
- Providing landscaping services to maintain gardens will increase more than £50,000 in 2025/26
- we need to budget for an expected rise in insurance costs of up to 25%
- A kitchen replacement that previously cost £5,000 now costs nearly £9,000
- Cuts to grant funding that impact our ability to deliver — We expected grant funding of £800,000 to carry out adaptations but were only awarded £305,000
Previous Rent Increases
Taking account of all the uncertainty over recent years our Board decided to limit the rent increase to 1.7% during the pandemic to support customers, and a below the rate of inflation increase the following year.
Last year rather than consult on a range of options we presented the actual minimum increase to sustain the services you receive at the rate of inflation — 7%
For next year (25/26) we are presenting a range of options detailing what these would mean in practice for you. Blackwood is still facing considerable challenges alongside many other landlords, so we want to be open with you about the real cost required to continue to deliver the services you value.
Achieving Savings
As well as considering what things will cost to deliver, we are also looking at where we can make savings. We have reviewed contracts we have with external providers to make sure we are getting the best value for money and streamlined the way we work to reduce unnecessary spend where possible.
- In 2024 we introduced a new housing structure reducing the number of managers and investing the in more frontline Housing Officers.
- Improved how quickly we let empty properties to reduce lost rent money
- Worked with customers to reduce rent arrears
- reviewed our energy suppliers and cleaning contracts
- Invested in Handyperson schemes as a cost-effective alternative to repairs contractors
Investments & Improvements
During 2024/25 we invested more than $1 million in upgrades and improvements to homes to ensure they meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.
We delivered 66 beautiful, accessible and connected properties in Dundee with partner organisations.
In 2025/26 the rent increase options we have proposed include investment in planned maintenance such as kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors, as well as electrical re-wiring, and lift replacements.
Your feedback on the proposed rent increase options will determine how much more additional money we could spend on your priorities, and what level of increased investment you would like to see.
Rent Increase Options
As part of our focus on "Getting it Right" we are committed to engaging with our customers and this consultation offers you an important opportunity to have your say about the level of your rent and the services we provide in 2025/26 which will start from 1st April 2025.
Our Board will decide the final rent increase to be applied at the end of January 2025 after considering your feedback and we will write to customers to confirm what this means for your individual circumstances.
1. Rent
2. Service Charges — increase of 10%
What we pay for services such as landscaping, stair lighting and cleaning, already costs more to deliver than we generate in the service charge you pay . During the COVID-19 pandemic, cost of living and energy crisis the costs for delivering services increased significantly. Over the last 3 years, rather than pass those costs on to customers we temporarily used other funds to keep costs as affordable as possible, but we now need to start to recoup the true cost of delivering these services while proposing lower rent increases .
Advice and Support
If you are concerned about the cost of living and the proposals set out in this consultation, there is a range of advice and support services available to you .
Welfare Rights Officers
Blackwood has 2 in-house Welfare Rights Officers that work directly with customers to support them with accessing the right benefits, help you submit claims and liaise with agencies on your behalf and put you in touch with specialist debt and financial advice. Contact our Customer Service Team who can make a referral .
Financial Inclusion
Each Local Authority has a dedicated financial inclusion and welfare rights service available to people who live in that council area. You can find these online or our teams can provide you with information
Housing Association Energy Support Service (HAESS)
We have partnered with Changeworks to offer the Housing Association Energy Support Service to deliver energy savings information, help customers better understand their energy bills and how best to save money to help navigate financial hard-ships . You can contact Changeworks directly at or speak to your Housing Officer or our Customer Service Team who can make a referral for you .
The rent consultation closed at 1700 on January 17th 2025. We will look to update customers and stakeholders of our decision at the earliest opportunity.