Scrutiny Panels and Registered Tenant Organisations
Team Blackwood
Team Blackwood are our regional scrutiny panels. These are groups of tenants from across Scotland who regularly get together to review Blackwood’s performance. They are focused on making sure Blackwood measures up to our promises and helping to set new service standards.
The panels discuss a wide range of issues that affect you as a tenant. They can help shape things like the home upgrade programme and the selection of contractors carrying out services in your area.
We currently have three Team Blackwood groups, who are based in our East, West and North regions. If you wish to get involved in Team Blackwood please inform your Housing Officer.
If you would like to have an influence in decisions about the housing and care services that you receive then please do get involved!
Team Blackwood regularly submit reports on their work to our Board. Recent examples of these can be found here:
- Team Blackwood Scrutiny of Outcome 6 - Apr15 (FINAL).pdf [pdf] 237KB
- Blackwood - Repairs right first time - Sep 19.pdf [pdf] 661KB
Registered Tenant Organisations and Tenants Groups
A Registered Tenant Organisation (RTO) is an independent organisation set up mainly to represent tenants’ housing and related interests. We currently have one Registered Tenant’s Organisation based at Broom Court in Stirling. We also have more informal tenant’s groups across many of our developments. These groups allow customers to discuss local issues related to their development with their Housing Officers.
If you are interested in joining the Broom Court RTO, or would like to form either a Registered Tenant’s Organisation or informal tenant’s group in your development, please contact your Housing Officer.