Freedom of Information

FOI logo About Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) gives everyone access to information held by Scottish Public Authorities.

Blackwood is now classified as a Scottish Public Authority and in November 2019 housing became subject to Freedom of Information. Please note that only activities regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator are subject to Freedom of Information. This means for Blackwood that activity relating to care is not subject to FOISA however, in the spirit of openness and transparency we plan to publish information that is relevant to our Care customers where possible

The aim of the Act is to increase openness and transparency by allowing people to access information about how decisions are taken and how our services are delivered.

As well as responding to requests, Public Authorities must publish information by adopting and maintaining a publication scheme which has approval from the Scottish Information Commissioner.

Model Publication Scheme

Blackwood has adopted the  ModelPublicationScheme.pdf , produced and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner.

This outlines our commitment to make certain classes of information available which is routinely reviewed and updated.

We have developed a Guide to Information- Blackwood.pdf [pdf] 481KB for this purpose and this also contains details of the environmental information that we routinely make available.

Withholding Information/Exemptions

We have the right to withhold the following types of information:

  • If giving the information would cause a breach of confidence to a third party
  • Or if the information was commercially sensitive

If information is requested and we plan to withhold that information, we will clearly state the reasons and quote the relevant exemption clauses from FOISA.

Make an Information Request

Requests can also be made in writing, by email or audio tape. If by post please write to:

Freedom of Information
Blackwood Homes & Care
160 Dundee Street
EH11 1DQ

You can also complete the form below or you can email 

Your details

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory